Monday, 18 March 2013

Fried Egg and Cheese Sandwich

The fried egg and cheese sandwich is probably the easiest, quickest and one of the yummier breakfast options. However, there are so many ways to make one! This recipe is one that I came up with when I was in boarding school in 2009. Eggs and cheese were precious commodities in our hostel so we had to make sure we used them wisely!

Ingredients –
·         1 Egg
·         2 slices Bread
·         1-2 cubes of Cheese, grated
·         1 Tomato, sliced
·         1 tsp of Oil
·         A dollop of Butter
·         Salt and pepper to taste

Melt oil and butter in a shallow frying pan. Crack the egg into the pan making sure that the yolk doesn't break.

Cover and let it cook on a medium flame till the top is half cooked. Layer the tomatoes onto the egg and add some cheese then cover with a slice of bread.

Now put a dollop of butter on top and flip. Add the remaining cheese on top, and a little pepper, and close the sandwich. Again put a dollop of butter on top and flip the sandwich.Make sure the slices of bread are toasted golden.

The cheese and yolk of the egg make the sandwich all come together very nicely and since it’s all done in one frying pan the flavors even soak into the bread.

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